Saturday, September 16, 2006


...this blog stays despite eveything...

If you look at the right side of this site, you'll notice that this is the third blog that I have created. The first two "died" because of two different reasons-- the first due to betrayal, the second due to boredom. Given recent life-changing events, it would seem like a good time to change blog sites anew. Except that I will not. Not this time.

Recovery is not easy. It never was. Up until now I cannot honestly say that I have recovered. But I can try to reach that moment when I can be happy with myself once again. I can attempt to reach that point when I don't suddenly stare into space thinking of what-ifs and suddenly fall into uncomfortable silence thinking of if-only's.

Yet in my quest of finding new meaning in the future, I have to face what I have done in the past. I have to remember, so that I may learn. Hence, this blog stays despite everything that has happened. Life is a continuous series of events, both happy and sad, both good and bad, and this blog will attempt to emulate that.

Despite the pain. Despite the sorrow.

In hopes of sunshine after the rain. In hopes for an enlightened tomorrow.

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