Thursday, June 22, 2006

Urges and Changes

Unlike the first real shift in blog addresses, there is nothing notable about this one.

Every time I find myself realizing that I haven't blogged for a long time, I do the most sensible thing to do and start over. I don't even hesitate; I just move on and create another blog. I find no sense in trying to revive what is, frankly, a stale piece of online document. Reading past entries doesn't even help. All this does is to induce nostalgia within me. It does nothing to make we want to change the present; it just makes me want to return back to the past. (Of course, certain people will immediately comment that I can always change the present to return back to the past. You misunderstand. I meant that literally.)

Unlike the first real shift in blog addresses, there is nothing notable about this one.

Perhaps what is notable this time around is that I find no urge to post a "Book of Days" entry. Usually, after a lengthy period of blog inactivity, the very first entry I write is a summary, a book of days so to speak, describing in general the things that kept me busy during the time I didn't blog. In this manner, I get to update everyone on what has been going on in my life.

Right now, I am not feeling that urge.

I can't exactly pinpoint why, but maybe the reason is that it always felt forced to write such a summary. It doesn't feel natural. That's the closest explanation I can ever give, because I am sleepy and can't think clearly any further.

To those who realize that what I've been writing is nothing but fluff, congratulations. I was just testing the waters, so to speak, to see if my "writing skills" are still with me. Psyched! To those who realize that what I've been writing is nothing but fluff, and yet believe that I've been dead serious all along, congratulations. You're even better than I thought.

Book of Days to follow.

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