Sunday, July 09, 2006

Six-Day Work Week

...contrary to all the bravado... I thoroughly enjoyed Saturday work.

I told myself and others I would never go down that road. I told it with chest puffed out and head held high. I told it with some kind of arrogant pride. "Saturdays are days to relax and unwind," I said. "Saturdays are never, ever utilized for work."

How wrong I was. How fast I'm quickly eating the words I had just uttered.

Needless to say, I went to work yesterday. And, contrary to all the bravado that was displayed when I told people that I would never work on Saturdays, I thoroughly enjoyed Saturday work. The office seemed so peaceful-- the phones weren't ringing off the hook, the conversations were down to a negligible murmur, and the atmosphere had a dreary feel to it that I liked. The strong downpour of rain outside helped set the mood for productive work even further. Unlike in most situations where it would have induced a want for sleep, the rain made me feel as though I was its prisoner. That I was to do its bidding. That I was to work. And so I did.

I didn't finish all that I had to do, but it was a start. The push was already present, and that was all I needed in order to finish today what I had attempted to end yesterday. The good thing is, I feel great about it. I know I'll be able to do it.

All thanks to Saturday work.

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