Saturday, January 13, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Almost There
Hey, you.
You're almost there. The first part is done and over with, and I'm happy about how things turned out. Thank you for doing what you've done. It meant a lot to me. Now, the second part is an easy one. It's all about the setting. It's all about the timing. It's all about the mood.
But I'm sure you have this covered by now, right? :)
written down by
The Dark-Skinned King
10:05 PM
have spoken back
The Start of All Things Happy
2007 is shaping up to be one of my favorite years ever. I don't know if this is just an illusion, given how much my 2006 sucked, but I would like to believe that this year is awesome as it is.
Seemingly proving my point, I received two awesome news this morning. The first news involved my brother, Kenneth. One of the reasons why Kenneth visited me this holiday break instead of me going back home to celebrate Christmas with them was because my parents wanted me to introduce Kenneth to Manila culture. Kenneth is soon to become a college freshman here in Manila, and given his "innocence" (nyakers), we wanted, as much as possible, to make his transition from Davao to Manila life as less stressful as possible. Of course, all these preparations would be for naught if Kenneth didn't pass the Ateneo or UP entrance exams. Well, guess what? The ACET results are in, and my brother passed. Yebah! Never had I doubted Kenneth's chances, but still, it's nice to see the "ACCEPTED" mark written beside his name. Wee!
The second piece of awesome news involved one of my wish list items. One of my earlier entries below had this written: And en route from the United States (I'm getting ahead of myself here, writing down what has not yet happened, but what the heck, I'm going to risk disappointment anyway) is my red iPod Nano! Again, guess what? Brian didn't disappoint. Brian soared above all expectations. My new iPod Nano is indeed on its way from New York City, and it's bound to arrive here in Manila by Wednesday or Thursday this week. Whew! Talk about having a blast! I'm so excited to see this beautiful gadget!
Life can be truly amazing sometimes. After beating me black and blue last year, it's now bringing me sunflowers in wooden little baskets, and making me ride the pink unicorns for free!
written down by
The Dark-Skinned King
9:11 PM
have spoken back
transcribed under Amazing, Life in General, Superficiality
Thursday, January 04, 2007
A Post About Sports? What?
I'm too tired to write a long post, but I just want to say this: I just played badminton and JOGGED. For real. Sweat. Aching arms. Exhaustion and tiredness. I have more thoughts, but my body is screaming for me to get out of the MOTHERF-ING CHAIR AND TAKE THIS POOR LITTLE PIECE OF MEAT BACK ON THE BED WHERE IT BELONGS.
I'm not going to be able to work tomorrow. I can feel it.
Pity the fool.
written down by
The Dark-Skinned King
10:50 PM
have spoken back
transcribed under Pity the Fool, Sports
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
One Final Thought for the Night
Hay, buhay.
That is all. Bow.
written down by
The Dark-Skinned King
1:20 AM
have spoken back
transcribed under Cryptics, Deep Within, You
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Material Boy
Look at my wish list at the left side of this blog! One of the wishes written there has "wee!" written beside it. This means that the item is already in my possession! WEE! I'm so glad I've finally managed to complete my Starbucks Sticker Sheet. I failed to complete it last year, and it quite saddened me. This year, however, after 21 expensive cups of coffee, I have reached the end of the road! And I just love the awesome leather-bound piece of work! This is just a great way to start the new year. (I would like to thank Kenneth, Chris, Joanne, and Adam for contributing to the completion of this seemingly impossible task. I'm sure Toj would disagree, the crazy girl [lagot ka kay Kenneth-- the other Kenneth] 4 stickers away from her third planner.)
And en route from the United States (I'm getting ahead of myself here, writing down what has not yet happened, but what the heck, I'm going to risk disappointment anyway) is my red iPod Nano! I already learned how to send money to Brian in the states (Western Union rocks!), so it's only a matter of time before the amazing gadget gets here. Thanks Brian! You're the best, pal!
And in other money-down-the-drain news, I bought a Girbaud wallet. I was buying Christmas gifts for my family-- wait... there's a cockroach, I can't type yet. [few moments later] God, I just hate those nasty little critters. Anyway, just like I said, I was buying Christmas gifts for my family. Next on my shopping list was my older brother, who wanted a Girbaud wallet. I found it quite easily, but then I got distracted by how appealing their wallets looked. I was successfully enticed by the "quality" of the products, needless to say. And the discounted prices only fueled my desire to have one of those fine thingies. In the end, I bought two. My only consolation right now is that 1) the wallet is just a wonder to behold; and 2) it was on sale. Haha. Excuses, excuses.
Now I'm poor. Huhuhu! Dell's forever!
written down by
The Dark-Skinned King
9:39 PM
have spoken back
transcribed under Food and Dining, Superficiality
Three Kings
It's amazing. I'm inclined to believe that it's not just a coincidence, but something more. But I'm also doubtful if my father actually thought of all these. The gap between the ages is just too far apart, and besides, I've been told that my godmother gave my father my name. Anyway, before anyone starts complaining they're beginning to feel out of place, here's what happened.
I was doing one of my year-end entries for my blog when my brother Kenneth mentioned that his name, Roy, actually also meant "king." I didn't believe him. Ray, from the Spanish "rey," meant "king." But he insisted. So we went to this site, and we found out, unsurprisingly, that Ray does mean "kingly" or "royal," but then we also discovered (to Kenneth's glee) that Roy does mean "king"! Amazing. We then joked that our older brother's name, Ryan, could not possibly mean "king," but what do you know? Ryan means "little king"! My brother and I stared at each other and laughed our asses off. Who would have thunk it? We couldn't believe that our parents actually meant for that to happen, so we just chalked it up to coincidence. It's just utterly surreal, though. Until now, I keep telling those who are willing to listen how great this discovery is. And it only took us 15 years to find out.
written down by
The Dark-Skinned King
8:21 PM
have spoken back
transcribed under Amazing, Life in General